Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Jovie at 25 Months

My wee Jo,

Your language is starting to take off. It seems that everyday you are learning something new or you are stringing things together. Today your new phrase is "I don't want it!!!". And boy are you serious when you say it. Very two year old of you. Thanks. I kinda love it. I also love the head spinning jumble of syllables that foams from your mouth when you are upset or angry. If, perchance, someone joins you while singing the E.F.G. song (or the alphabet song to those not in the know) you throw your hands up in a stopping gesture and shake your head vigorously from side to side- flailing your curls and spewing Jo-vese (your personal language) in a continuous verbal assault on whomever has offended you. We have got to get this on video because it in uproariously funny.

Uncle Logan has come to stay with us for a few weeks this summer and you have immediately taken to him, as you have taken to no one else. At least not this quickly. You have him wrapped around your finger, and all it takes is a pout and a bat of those chocolate brown eyes and he will sacrifice the last bite of his bagel or pick you up and snuggle you, even if you are soaking wet from the pool.

(I am trying to proofread as I go, and damn if I don't love a good run on sentence.)

You are most certainly a terrible two year old in the best sense. You are headstrong, impulsive, short-tempered, yet totally snuggle-able and loving. You hug with your whole self, your whole body. I love that too.

You are still a mamma's girl, and I know it will end soon... But I certainly love it when you climb up my leg and torso to be in my arms. You are quite the little monkey that way. Sometimes you will even resist being put down by pulling your feet up waist high and clinging on for dear life.

I don't know what my life would be like without you and your sister, and I don't want to know. Being your mother is my favorite job ever.

Love you much


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