Tuesday, April 12, 2011

20/21 Months- Jovie

Well Jellybean, Christmas went off without a hitch... It was just the four of us and it was pretty damned great. You have a knack for opening gifts, and got the idea RIGHT AWAY. Pure chaos, wrapping paper, and joy. You seemed to really like the building blocks and your dolly (handmade by yours truly).

We have moved your crib into the dining room. Yes, the dining room... We have run out of extra space in our little house and your nightly wakings have gotten too common and are keeping Mina up for many hours in the night. So, you have your own room right now... It just happens to be shared with the dining table. Haha. Generally, things are going better there and I hope that by the time we move to 612 you will be able to share a room with your sister.

January is a bittersweet month for me. Just a little more than one year ago we spent nine days in the hospital together. Looking back on pictures from that time is painful. I did not realize just how sick you were. But my dear one, you were so brave. You still are. One year later you are stronger, louder, fiercer, funnier, and generally the most fantastic brown-eyed baby girl I know.

If I have not mentioned it before, I will mention how much I love your hugs. It is amazing how such a little tiny body can hug so intently. You may be part koala, as I can nearly let go and you will cling to my side. You still love being carried around, and I don't mind that too much.

You have discovered the temper tantrum. Right on time. And I am trying to prepare myself for a couple of years of this stuff. When I say you are loud, I am not sure that you can understand what I mean. You are REALLY LOUD. Like, make my ears ring loud- Seriously, more than once I have been concerned about losing some of my hearing. However, my favorite part of your tantrums is the physical element. You drop to the floor. Straight to you bum, as hard as you can and then you thrust yourself backwards. It is a controlled fall, but you want me to hear your head thump on the floor. The hardest thing to do is NOT LAUGH. It is as if you are acting something out on stage. It is SO DELIBERATE. "Mamma, I am mad at you, I can't explain it very well, so let me throw myself on the floor." Instant Classic.

You are a stubborn little thing; impish with a menacing little laugh. You can go from a cheerful chortle to a full on 'mad scientist' cackle. I realize that your independence is going to make things tough for me and your dad. When it comes to raising a spirited child, we have our work cut out for us. But it is worth it. Every moment. I hope that you grow up happy and you continue to develop your magnetic personality. I don't care what you become when you grow up. I just want you to be happy and safe.

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